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Social Learning Group

Social functioning is often a challenge for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Our Social Learning Group's goal is to build your child's strengths to develop socially engaging skills.This model deliberately focuses on communication skills with the aim of applying the acquired skills to functional, meaningful and natural situations. Your child's day may include some of the following activities, depending on their age and developmental needs. 

1.  Social skills 

  • Social interaction with peers and/or siblings

  • Assertiveness

  • Turn-taking and sharing

  • Communication skills

  • Initiating conversations

  • Understanding emotions & facial expressions

  • Greetings

2. Adaptive/ Leisure Skills

  • Self-help skills such as chores, prepping meals, hygiene/self care

  • Independent play skills

  • Safety skills

  • Relationship building

3. Executive Functions

  • Following routines

  • Planning & organising

  • Emotional coping skills

  • Flexible thinking

Est. 2017 Hope Learning & Behavioural Services

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